PechaKucha 20x20 for Haiti | London #3
Meetings - Club/Group Meeting
Start Time:
Saturday, 20 February 2010 at 18:00
End Time:
Sunday, 21 February 2010 at 01:00
University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS
London, United Kingdom
View map
PechaKucha is back in London for its 3rd time, after the successful evening at The Arches on the 11th of January.
The PK LDN team are proud to bring you PechaKucha for Haiti | London #3. As part of the Global PechaKucha for Haiti day taking place on the 20th February, London will be one of the PK network cities taking part to raise awareness, support and money for the devastating events that took place in Haiti a month ago.
Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti
It only took seconds to destroy so many bright hopes and dreams in Haiti. The 280 city PechaKucha network is joining with Architecture for Humanity to help rebuild Haiti 20 seconds at a time.
Join us around the the world on 20th February for Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti. 20 seconds, 20 images, 200 cities, 2000 presentations, 200,000 people - with the aim to raise $1,000,000 for rebuilding Haiti.
Watch Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, PechaKucha Founders in Tokyo launch the project jointly with Cameron Sinclair, Founder of Architecture for Humanity who was in Davos at the World Ecomonic Forum: http://www.pecha-kucha.org/presentations/50 (always go full screen)
On Saturday 20 February PechaKucha events will be held all around the world. All the PechaKucha Night cities will be connected by a 24-hour PechaKucha presentation WAVE that will gradually move westward city by city, circumnavigating the globe. The wave will be dropping in on each city for around 10 minutes for a video link up and a live presentation. This presentation wave will be streamed over the internet on a 24-hour WAVEcast, which we think will be a world first.
The PechaKucha Presentation WAVE will start simultaneously in SuperDeluxe in Tokyo where PechaKucha Night was first conceived, and in our most easterly city in New Zealand. It will then move west crossing all times zones and cultures. The PechaKucha WAVE will finally come ashore in San Francisco, where Architecture for Humanity (AFH) is headquartered. AFH's founder, Cameron Sinclair, will be there with the rest of San Francisco to give presentations and celebrate the successful circumnavigation of the world. That will be about 1pm Sunday Japan time. We plan to a have a big event in Tokyo, linking to San Francisco by video so we can all focus our thoughts on Haiti.
As well as raising awareness about the situation in Haiti, Global PechaKucha Day aims to raise money for reconstruction in Haiti. How do we plan to do this? At most event locations there will be a suggested donation at the door, but this is completely discretionary. We estimate that PechaKucha for Haiti will generate more than 2000 presentations - either on the 20th or at PechaKucha events before or afterwards. All of these presentations will be recorded and uploaded to the PechaKucha Presentation Player where they can be viewed on line:
Each presentation will have a donation button where people can leave a donation, their name and a message. The idea is that the presenters can send a link to their presentation to friends and colleagues and encourage donations - rather like a sponsored walk. Some really amazing and well known presenters are stepping forward to make 20x20 presentations, so be prepared to be surprised - and be prepared to donate :-)
FULL INFO HERE : http://www.pecha-kucha.org/pechakucha-for-haiti
FULL 20TH CALENDAR HERE : http://www.pecha-kucha.org/night/calendar/
LOCATION : P3 - "The venue is extraordinary. Who would have thought that across from Madame Tussaud’s lay the 14,000 sq ft of an underground hangar, once used to test concrete for Spaghetti Junction and the Channel Tunnel?" Geoff Brown,The Times, 16.04.08
DOOR ENTRY : £5 with a student card and £10 for everyone else.
SPEAKERS (BUILDING DAILY) Presentations begin at 7.30pm.
- Lail Arad : http://www.myspace.com/lailarad
- Britt Salt : http://www.helengory.com/artist.php?name=Britt%20Salt
- Keith Kahn-Harris : http://kkahnharris.typepad.com/
- Gilles & Cecilie Studio : http://www.gillesandcecilie.com/
- Jonathan Bardialus : http://www.flickr.com/photos/bardialus
- Julia King : http://www.julia-king.com/
- Bruno Wizard : http://thehomosexuals.bandcamp.com/
- Andrew Parry : http://www.pazart.co.uk/
- Alastair Humphreys : http://www.alastairhumphreys.com/
- Lina Kovacevic : http://www.editthisbanner.net/
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