Friday, February 26, 2010

Fwd: Since when are there rules for collecting contemporary art? Asks Independent Collectors

February 22, 2010
Art Agenda

"A trip on October 22, 2009 in Turkey" by David Horvitz, from
"The 100,- EUR Collection" of T. Venema

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Since when are there rules for collecting contemporary art? Asks Independent Collectors

Most collectors are not too reluctant to come up with rules for their collecting habits. Some buy only art that is no larger than an arms length, so they can carry it home as hand luggage. Others try to buy an artwork each month for up to 100,- EUR while yet again others never pay more for a single work than 15.000 EUR. You might argue that budget restrictions are not exactly rules. But what about collectors concentrating on sculpture or on artists of their own age?

It may depend on what it is that you're after. If you collect for investment only, your rules will probably differ greatly from those of a real collector. There is one parameter you might dismiss altogether when you're only in it for the money: Buy only what you like. This seems to be a common denominator among collectors the world over. It's not the rule of thumb, it's the rule of heart, or guts, if you will.

But then again, there is a certain thrill in breaking rules, isn't there? You will have exceeded your budget at times; you might sneak in a drawing among your sculptures; you might even buy something you don't like at all, simply because it haunts you so much that you have to have it.

In the end, isn't it more fun to have rules for collecting – and breaking them – than to have no rules at all?

To follow the discussion, visit the IC Discussion Forum.

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