Friday, February 26, 2010

Fwd: Spike Island events - Artists' Talks: Susan Collis and Aaron Williamson

Artists in discussion with audience with lighthouse drawings in background
Artists' Talks: Susan Collis & Aaron Williamson
As good as it gets (details) 2008. 18 carat white gold (hallmarked), white sapphire, turquoise, onyx. Image courtesy of Seventeen Gallery.
*This Thursday at an earlier start time*
Artist Talk: Susan Collis
Thursday 25 February, 5:30pm, Associates Space.
As part of her research in to aspects of the 'precious' for the Rootstein Hopkins Award, Zoe Williams has invited London based Artist, Susan Collis to give a talk on her intricate practice at Spike Associates.
Collis's practice involves the subversion of time frame and visual perception through the manipulation of everyday objects. Ladders, screws, lengths of timber and dust sheets -appear stained and discarded at first glance, yet on closer inspection are found to be made from precious materials. White gold screws and platinum nails protrude from a carefully inlaid piece of rosewood, whilst diamond encrusted coral Rawl plugs line the walls, redeeming that which would otherwise have been plastered over.
To book a place please email or tel. 0117 929 2266.
For further info visit:
The artist flings himself at the Gallery wall, 2008. Courtesy of Aaron Williamson.
The artist flings himseld at the gallery wall, 2008. Courtesy Aaron Williamson.
*Next Thursday*
Artist Talk: Aaron Williamson
Thursday 04 March, 6:00pm, Associates Space.
As part of his Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary residency, Aaron Williamson will be doing an informal show and tell about his work.

Aaron joined Spike Island at the beginning of February for 3 months and will be developing some new work in the lead up to Spike Open Studios 2010.

"As a disability artist (I am deaf) my work challenges the traditional valorisation of social 'outsiderness'. Thus my performances and video pieces invent such figures as mock-hermits, sham-shamans, fake feral children, charlatan saints, dubious monsters: and humorously depict pathos, failure, setback and collapse."

For further information on Arron's work visit:
. To book a place please email or tel. 0117 929 2266.
Opening Hours


Tuesday to Sunday 11am-5pm

Spike Café

Mon to Fri 9am-5pm
Sat & Sun 11-4pm


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About Spike Island
Spike Island is a place for the production and exhibition of contemporary art. Spike Island's mission is to provide space, time and opportunity for the research, production and presentation of practices relating to the visual arts and design.
Registered Charity no: 1003505
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