Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Worth and value

Worth and value are often complex subjects in modern society, entangled in chaotic interpretations and understandings. These core principles, upon which human relationships are measured, form the basis of exchanges that influence the durability and dignity of relationships. In the corporate world, when negotiating positions or remuneration in exchange for contributions to socio-political priorities or while finalizing trade deals, these concepts repeatedly resurface, often more than anticipated. Each exchange, whether fair or unequal, leaves behind either a jubilant sense of dignity or a hurt that time must heal. These interpretations of worth and value are so significant that they define socio-cultural and religious differences, political hostilities, global hierarchies, and even familial relationships.

In my 31 years of work, spanning 13 jobs and four career paths, I rarely negotiated for a value increase in my remuneration. On the rare occasions when I did, despite my best efforts and contributions, I was reminded in an undignified manner of the market demand—read worth—for the unwarranted privileges given to others less qualified, experienced, or contributing, though I never raised these issues in my discussions.

As time passed, I realized that many Indian organizations, functioning like small oligarchies, create systems of inequality where more than fifty to sixty percentage of employees experience or at least feel a similar treatment. You eventually learn the art of moving on—either resigning to the system and continuing with it or finding dignity outside of it.

For a young professional with a deep belief in their capabilities, understanding how to price their work based on its worth and value is a particularly challenging task. This is not a simple question but rather a difficult and complex issue to navigate.

In this three-part essay, starting tomorrow, I will explore the nuances of worth and value, with a special focus on the creative and art worlds.

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