Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fwd: Kunsthal Charlottenborg's Re-Arming: Call for Applications

December 4, 2009

Kunsthal Charlottenborg

Spring Exhibition 2010, Copenhagen
13 March - 9 May

Call for applications

Apply online 14 - 21 January 2010

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A new vision featuring measures over a three-year period is to ensure the Spring Exhibition a position as the most important adjudicated open art exhibition in northern Europe by 2014. In 2010, the Spring Exhibition is taking the first two important steps towards realising this objective:

• A new, fast model for the work of the jury and a newly established Jury's Award are to ensure a higher quality in the submitted works of art

• A new section of the Spring Exhibition in 2010: 24/7 – art created for an online exhibition space to be presented in cooperation with DR.

A fast model for the Nordic composition of the jury and its work
A new jury structure, with international capacities, the establishment of a Jury's Award, tougher adjudicating, and a broader Nordic focus. A new feature is also the limit being placed on the number of accepted works:

• 125 works are selected for Spring Exhibition 2010
• 10 works are recommended for the Jury's Award
• 1 work is given the Jury's Award at the opening ceremony of Spring Exhibition 2010

The jury goes international (with a Nordic focus)
Each year over the next three years, the Spring Exhibition will convene a jury comprising five persons. The Scandinavian countries (S, N, DK, FIN) will be represented, and it will consists of an equal number of practising artists and profiles with recognised theoretical professional qualifications and/or curatorial experience. The jury will also have a president, who will be responsible for motivating the choice of the winner of the Jury's Award.

The jury of Spring Exhibition 2010 and 24/7:
Carl Michael von Hausswolff (SE), president of the jury, artist and curator
Cecilia Gelin (SE), curator
Johan Holten (DK) , director, Kunstverein Heidelberg
Børre Sæthre (NO), artist
Salla Tykkä (FIN), photographer and videoartist

The Jury's Award in brief
A new feature is that the jury will have the task of recommending ten works for the Jury's Award, and of selecting a winner among them. The award is a recognition of supreme artistic quality and present-day relevance at the exhibition. The award also includes a sum of money and a statement by the jury. The winner of the Jury's Award will be announced at the private-viewing evening and it will be handed over by the jury president.

New measures: 24/7 – art created for an online exhibition space.
24/7 is part of Spring Exhibition 2010 and will be presented in cooperation with DR. The online exhibition space will be accessible via the DR media platform and be shown at http://www.dr.dk/24/7.

The aim of the special exhibition is to show art in its most recent forms in a present-day exhibition space. The same jury adjudicates Spring Exhibition 2010 and 24/7. The accepted works for 24/7 can also be recommended by the jury for the Jury's Award. 24/7 will also be accessible at Kunsthal Charlottenborg during Spring Exhibition 2010.

A maximum of 50 works will be accepted for the special exhibition 24/7, where format and content are conceived for an online exhibition space and can be experienced on any computer with Internet access, round the clock.

Genres at 24/7:
• Film
• Video
• Sound art
• Net.art
• Software art
• Animation
• Visual poetry (hybrids between visual art and text).

Applicants to Spring Exhibition 2010 will be able to apply both to the Spring Exhibition at Kunsthal Charlottenborg and to the special exhibition 24/7 – art created for an online exhibition space. But for each contribution applicants must define for which exhibition forum they are applying. Our ambition is to attain a conscious, relevant relation to the potential of new media.

Spring Exhibition 2010 and 24/7, 13 March – 9 May 2010. Opening Thursday 11 March, 8-11pm.

For further information please contact:

Helle Westergård, Charlottenborg Fonden
Telephone: +45 3311 1191
E-mail: info@charlottenborg-fonden.dk

Maria LaBelle, Kunsthal Charlottenborg
Telephone: +45 3336 9047
E-mail: marila@kunsthalcharlottenborg.dk

Applicants can find relevant information at:

41 Essex street
New York, NY 10002, USA



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