Gallery Espace
Start Time:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 11:00am
Lalit kala academy
35, Rabindra Bhavan,Firoz Shah Road
New Delhi, India
Reality and dreams are all mixed up, like sea water and river water flowing together. I struggle to find the meaning behind it all but nothing makes any sense.- Haruki Murakami
Life is lived at the cusp: at the interstices of myth, memory, magic. The real world collides, converges with the "other" world of imagination all the time. Some write the experience, others dance it, sing it, film it, perform it as theatre. The artist paints, sculpts, draws it.
This innerscape, the place we really live in is what we're trying to evoke, recreate in Marvelous Reality. Films, books of the genre were shared with artists who used these as diving board into their own inner worlds, as a stimulus for the unique works they've created for this show.
Come, share the wonder, experience the magic and for a moment enter into that world where there is "willing suspension of disbelief", where inner fears, reveries, fantasies, the very sound of our silences is magically, momentarily made manifest. Testimonial to and celebration of a reality many know only fleetingly in their lifetimes.
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