Thursday, June 18, 2020

I am not an expert on psychology or psychiatry, but over the years teaching the most vulnerable group of human beings - artists of the age between 17 to 23, below are a few observations from the experience

1. Psychological symptoms are mostly generic in nature. Like in the case of medical conditions, never self judge- it requires specialists to make an assessment.

2. Avoid having too much discussion around psychological symptoms but have a conversation around the importance of psychological wellbeing and options for counselling. The segment of people who are vulnerable to psychological and developmental issues are also the ones who are susceptible to identify with those symptoms with their vulnerabilities. Pyschosomatisicm is a major issue among this segment of people.

3. The generalisation of these symptoms in public mind also leads to pre-judging people by both the vulnerable and the others with their half-cooked knowledge. That will make the situation further worse.

4. Coming out of the situation doesn't mean broadcasting to the world. Considering the world attaches a stigma to all alternate situations, behaviour and people, I've seen this idea of broadcasting to the world often leads to devastating consequences. Coming out should be restricted to the therapist and immediate family members. Also, there are many legal complications exist today if one declares oneself as "psychologically completely not fit".

5. A large section of society today are psychosomatic and they will confuse with all these conditions with the kind of generalisation of symptoms distributed across internet platforms.

6. A set of people also start flaunting these conditions for privileges, entitlements and preferential treatments without realising the consequences.

7. Most important - All human beings are normal, some may need certain help or a holding hand for a little longer. It is normal and not abnormal.

The way many broadcastings in the name of coming out are seen these days over social media is really scary. More damaging is the way many well-intended people sharing it is even scarier.

Friends hold on.

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